Using English Teaching Techniques within BTEC PE

As part of my schools professional development programme all teachers have to undertake some action research throughout the year. I decided I would use my year 10 BTEC class, which is a boys only class, as I wanted to improve the standard of their written work for their assignments. I was teaching the Leadership unit and was finding their descriptions and explanations of the skills, qualities and responsibilities of sports leaders, were very limited. They had the gist of the content, but due to poor literacy skills were unable to get near the merit criteria.

I collaborated with one of the English teachers to discuss methods they used to get students to be able to explain something in detail. I discovered through this that one of the core skills that students need to be successful in their English Language exam was writing to explain (along with describe and persuade which should come in handy during further tasks) and that students spend lots of time working with a specific technique in order to do this. They use P.E.E. paragraphs as a writing frame to help students to structure their writing in order to explain effectively. P.E.E. paragraphs can be broken down into

In some schools they sometimes use P.E.E.D., P.E.A. or P.E.E.L., with the D standing for development, the A standing for Analyse or the L standing for Ling, but I decided to stick to P.E.E. due to it being a technique widely used within the English department.

In order to introduce this to the students we started by discussing how important it is to use the skills that they are developing in English across all of their subjects in order to gain the C grades in English that most of the class are striving for. We then looked at the P.E.E. burger diagram and discussed how we could use this within our written tasks in BTEC Sport.

We then looked in detail at writing a P.E.E. paragraph for Communication. We started by collaborating together to come up with our own sentence starters that people could use if they wanted to with it broken down into a P.E.E. paragraph. We came up with the following breakdown.
P-Point-         Communication is ........
                      There are two different types of communication ........
                      Verbal communication is ..........
                      Non-Verbal communication is .........

E-Evidence - You may use verbal communication as a sports leader when ........
                      An example of when you use non-verbal communication as a sports leader is..                     

E -Explain-    It is important for a sports leader to be able to use both verbal and non-verbal                       communication because.........

This technique proved to be very successful with what is a group that love practical, but hate writing. Their enthusiasm for writing improved as they were able to link what we were doing within lessons to their English skills, so the perceived importance of the tasks grew.

The piece of work below is from a student who was previously able to write one sentence for his explanation of communication. As you can see he is starting to hit some of the merit criteria within his answers.

We then progressed it further to add in the L from P.E.E.L. when we were looking at comparing and contrasting two sports leaders. The students had to link this to a professional and amateur sports leader and compare and contrast how each used this skill, quality or responsibility within their roles.

Using this technique the class have been able to complete this task on average a grade higher than their target grade, so it has proved to be very successful.